Chanakya IAS Academy’s students once again outshone in Civil Services Examination 2018 – Total 280 plus selections

Union Public Service Commission has declared the final result of Civil Services Examination 2018 on 5th April 2019. Approximately 3 lakh candidates appeared for the Civil Services Preliminary Examination, out of which 759 candidates made it to the list, conquering all the 3 stages of the examination. On a quick estimate, Out of these total 759 candidates, 280 plus candidates spread across different cities in India are the students of one of the most reputed coaching institutes, Chanakya IAS Academy.

It was a day of jubilation for Chanakya IAS Academy, as students coached and mentored by Chanakya IAS Academy emerged at the top once again in Civil Services results. 5 students coached under the guidance of Chanakya IAS Academy, named, Kanishak Karatia with All India Rank 1, Junaid Ahmed with Rank 3, Vaishali Singh with Rank 8, Gunjan Dwivedi with Rank 9 and Tanmay Vashistha Sharma with rank 10 have made their place in top 10, while 17 in the top 50 and 42 students bagged position in top 100. With such prized performance of the students mentored & coached at various centres throughout the country, Civil Services Exam 2018 results have, yet again, brought laurels to the most trusted Academy in India.

In case of competitive examinations like Civil Services, excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better and our students so well prove this with the results every year. It is a great achievement for us and a matter of immense pride that our students have crafted yet another success story for Chanakya IAS Academy. At Chanakya IAS Academy, our attempt is to revolutionize the way students approach learning and make a difference in the way they think and understand.

While there are students with great potential in the country, many are not able to take their talents to fruition due to financial difficulties. At Chanakya IAS Academy, we also make efforts to identify such talent and make sure that the financial constraints do not pose obstacles to their development.

“That, what didn’t come to you today shall come with better results tomorrow”

The students, who could not make it, need not get disheartened. We acknowledge the efforts you have put in your preparation, but now is the time to analyze the areas where you lacked.

Here’s what we have at your rescue:

Upgraded Foundation Course

Want to take a break and come back with the best of your preparation? Learn more about our scientifically designed Upgraded Foundation Course to ensure your success in all 3 stages of Civil Services Exam.

Prelims Test Series

Targeting Civil Services Prelims 2019? Do not wait anymore, and assess your preparation level now with our Prelims Test Series designed exactly on the pattern of UPSC Prelims exam, covering the entire syllabus and probable questions. Know more about Prelims Test Series from here

Correspondence Course

Unable to join the regular classes? Here we have a comprehensively designed foundation course for you, which covers the entire syllabus and sufficient enough study material to perfect your preparation for Civil Services Examination. Know more about our correspondence course here



  1. Tell me the fee structure for the preparation for IAS in your institute…
    And any fee waiver for those students whose yearly income below 80000/-
    I have original income certificate to show…..


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